Free Books!

It’s like a library where you never have to return anything! Below are books of material from Rent-A-Friend 2000 and A Bit of Orange. Download, put on your Kindle, send to your friends or hand out copies on the street corner. It’s free! Enjoy, and remember, Jesus Loves You!

The Socratic Ducky

This book takes a rubber duck level look at the kind of philosophy it takes to understand the Christian Worldview. If you can understand a rubber duck, you can understand why you can be certain that the Bible is true from the very first page. Learn about God, reality, truth, knowledge and faith! Then, learn a few arguments that prove that the God of the Bible is real, and is the one true God. Finally, spend some time getting to know the GOSPEL! The Good News of the love of God. Jesus Loves You! Read all about it.

Read or download it below, or Visit Amazon to get it in paperback or for Kindle!

Proof Of God

Of course you can believe in God with no reasons, but if you want to know why God exists and the Bible can be trusted, then this book has a lot to offer you! Proof of God shows arguments and evidence for the existence of God from philosophy, science, morality, design, and British Literature. You’ll learn why atheism and agnosticism are not valid options, and you’ll learn some good reasons to avoid Shia LaBeouf.

Read or download it below, or Visit Amazon to get it in paperback or for Kindle!

Answering Atheism

Atheism seems so complex that even the Atheists on the internet seem to have no idea what it is. Despite their seeming limitless ignorance, those same internet Atheists have a LOT to say about… well, absolutely everything. How is one to understand them and respond? This book makes all of it simple and clear, including WHAT Atheism is, the difference between knowing and believing, the Religion of Atheism (Including the 15 Core Tenets of Orthodox Atheism), Debunking the faith of atheism, and then applying the logic of atheism, which includes guest essays from our Internet Atheist friend PonyH8R. Learn to answer Atheism with wit and common sense, and remember, Jesus Loves them too!

Read or download it below, or Visit Amazon to get it in paperback or for Kindle!

Thursday Night Nachos

(Defining Evolution Over Nachos with Friends)

Rent-A-Friend 2000 recounts the conversations he has with his friends at the local bar and grill, talking about Evolution. What is it? Is it science? How does it work? As they wait for their weekly pile of Nachos to arrive, the friends discuss the science and evidence in this sometimes complex issue and divide truth from fiction. If you want to see exactly what evolution is, and how Darwin fails the test of science, then this is the book for you!

Read or download below, or visit AMAZON to get it in paperback or for Kindle

Preachers, Perverts & Pandas

A Gay Debate! Transgenderism! Other Stuff! PG-13!

In what is sure to be the reason I get kicked off of social media, I explain the debate over gay marriage, and why letting Pandas eat giraffes isn’t the loving thing to do. I explain how the American church has swung the reaction pendulum to both extremes of the LGBTQ debate. I explain how the Transgender movement has failed so badly that I am Transgender (according to Google anyway). And we take a lengthy dive into the many ways a “LGBTQ affirming” church tries to use the Bible to teach things the Bible clearly does not teach. It’s a great lesson on how to start a cult. But the whole point is, whatever our sins, Jesus loves us. That’s the good news the Bible has for all of us, even when we’ve taken a few bites out of the giraffes.

Read or download it below, or Visit Amazon to get it in paperback or for Kindle!

Evolution 101 (Debunking Berkeley’s Darwinian Diatribe)

Come with us into a world of Evo-Believers whose faith far outweighs their facts, and a team of PhD’s who have dedicated themselves to Darwinism when in fact they can’t even clearly tell you what it is. Welcome to Evolution 101 (Or, how to make every living thing, from Wolves to Cabbages, using just the tools and bacteria you’ll find around the house).

A Critical Review and some snarky comments by Rent A Friend 2000

Original material including text and images comes from from
The site I am reviewing is called Evolution 101, and will be presented by me with no editing (though plenty of editorials) and in those few places where parts were cut out for brevity, I make note of it being done. The original site is a collaborative project between Berkley, the University of California Museum of Paleontology and the National Center for Science Education. That it took this many PhD’s to make this web site will become either unbelievable or incredibly sad later on. Their words will appear in normal font. My words in BOLD, with BOLDNESS nearly approaching ZESTY BUFFALO RANCH BOLD! Nearly.

Confessions of a Young Earth Creationist

OK, yes, I confess that I am a Young Earth Creationist. I not only believe that we didn’t evolve over millions of years, I believe that God made the heavens and the earth in a single calendar week, about 6,000 years ago. But WHY would anybody believe that? Why not shove Big Bang and Billions of years into the Bible?

I’m glad you asked.

In these, my confessions, I will explain why this “Young” interpretation of the Bible is the only honest interpretation on account of it being what the Bible actually says. I’ll also show you how it’s found all throughout the Bible, from Genesis to the Ten Commandments, to the words of Jesus. I will also show how it’s defended all throughout science! We’ll look into all of the most common objections and alternative theories, from astronomy to geology, and see that Creation is the faith that fits the facts, and Evolutionism is the faith the facts have failed. Genesis says what it means, and it means what it says!

Read or download it below, or Visit Amazon to get it in paperback or for Kindle!

Sunday School for Sinners & Saints

Are you a Sinner or a Saint? Maybe a bit of both? Well, then! Gather ’round, class! It’s time to take a friendly dive into the Bible and understand what makes it different from all those other religions! We’ll learn about the one true God, and why He is completely different from any other “gods.” We’ll learn who Jesus is, and see how he is the way to God. You’ll learn about salvation, and see how your most wicked evil can be paid for and washed away by Jesus, and all you have to do is say yes to the dress! Metaphorically! Because unlike various cults, the Bible doesn’t tell you what to wear.

The Gospel is GOOD NEWS! And you’ll learn everything you need to know right here in Sunday School for Sinners & Saints.

Read or download it below, or Visit Amazon to get it in paperback or for Kindle!

Birds, Bees and Apple Trees

Have you ever wished you had a way to introduce your kids to the wonders of life, including where babies come from, in a way that doesn’t boil down to “here are some weird things your body is going to do starting in the 5th grade”? Would you like to introduce your kids to the science and miracle of life by reading a cute story about a worm asking why red apples are red? Sure, we all have! And now you can!

This book explains the birds and the bees by first explaining apple trees, and then showing how reproduction in flowers is mirrored in animals, and then in humans. It also explains why humans treat mating differently than any other animal, and explains why the sacredness of being made in the image of God is part of why we don’t go around naked in public, and why marriage is a sacred vow till death do we part.

This book isn’t about puberty, it’s about reproduction, starting with flowers and trees, and then fish and frogs, and then chickens and cows, and finally humans, modesty, and marriage.

Read or download it below, or Visit Amazon to get it in paperback or for Kindle!

Tip Toeing Through the TULIP 

Or, Why Calvinism seems to be Bafflingly Silly

Remember all of those times I said “I don’t want to be one of those blogs that writes about Calvinism all of the time.”? Well, even so I wrote enough to make a full book out of it.

Look, I tried to get Calvinists to explain it to me so that it didn’t sound Baffling stupid, and I was unsuccessful. So now you get to read about it. Enjoy! Read/download it below or get it in paperback or for kindle on Amazon HERE!

A Murder of One

The first novel to be published by A Bit of Orange books, and a real novel too. Not the kind of quippy sarcasm and cartoon illustrations you get from a lot of our other books. This one is like if CS Lewis wrote the Twilight series. No teen angst, no sparkles, but a lot more world view philosophy and all of the vampires. It’s rated 12+ on Amazon, because, while the language is mostly family friendly, there is some dark thematic elements, some death, and far more blood than the average family friendly entertainment. Because, you know, vampires. And while we’re not going to tell anyone else this, because we’re friends I’m going to let you know, that this story is secretly an allegory for the Gospel. Like Chronicles of Narnia. Learn more and read or download below:

She paused to look at Tragedy and me, again probably hoping we would tell the story for her, but again she would be disappointed.

“Tell us!” demanded Chocolat in his heavy French accent. “Why would she wan’ to die? She was immortal, like us. One of us. Why would one of us wish for death?”

“She had seen the hunter!” Geo blurted out. “Like Finch! They had seen the eyes of the hunter, the Hound of Heaven! Their sins burning them worse than the sun, and they wished for death to end the torment!”

“That is enough!” Rage bellowed. Geo shrank back as far as tragedy would let her. For the moment, she was silent, but in the moment that followed the whispers in the room erupted into shouting of anger, mockery, and fear.

“There are no hunters!” shouted Trash. “She’s a liar!”

“She’s a fool,” shouted another. “She expects us to believe legends.”

“Enough,” said Rage. Even without shouting it, he commanded the room and they obeyed.

“Three of our kind are dead,” I said to Rage. “Somehow this story starts with the first.”

Vampires have only one, all consuming desire: blood. Everything humans want- money, power, love, drugs- Vampires use these things to get the one thing they want. The only thing they need.

Lane is a member of a community of vampires in a city where they live as ghosts, kings, and the gods of hell. He is immortal, in a murder of crows who feast on death. He has lived more lifetimes than he can remember. His world is made of the immortal gods of hell and the humans they feast on. The only death they know is the kind they give to harvest blood. He and a goth girl who calls herself Tragedy sit above the world and mock it from above, untouchable.

Until the night Lane sees one of his own kind die, and suddenly there are whispers of something real from what they thought was myth.

And another one of his kind is dead, and another…

Is Lane being used by the head of the city to establish dominance in some political game, or have the hunters suddenly become the hunted? Is war coming, or something worse? And can he unravel the mystery before it’s too late, and he loses everything? As his world unravels and immortality slips from his fingers, he discovers that he might always have been a murder of one.

“Promise me something,” I said.
“If he does come here… don’t try and protect me. If he comes here, run.”
“Promise me. Please Tragedy.” I looked into her dark eyes and whispered.
“I don’t want to watch you die either.”