A Bit of Orange BOOKS

Did you ever wish you could have the wit and wisdom and cute cartoon illustrations of A Bit of Orange on your bookshelf? Well, now you can!

A BIT OF ORANGE BOOKS is now a thing! Like, a REAL thing!
Visit our website to learn more!

What is A Bit of Orange Books? It’s our partnership with StoneToaster Media, to bring good content to bookshelves. So, if you want to buy our books, visit our BOOKS website, or visit AMAZON to see the whole collection.

Also, if you’re an author looking to get a book on Amazon, Stonetoaster Media can help you illustrate and format your books for print or Kindle. They did our books and they look wonderful. They can help you out at a reasonable rate.

But, you may be asking, What if I still want to read your books, but I don’t want to pay for it at all? The FREE BOOKS page is still up, though the versions for sale have been remastered, with editing, some new content, and new and updated illustrations.

But, yeah, otherwise they’re still pretty much the same. Go ahead and download them from the Free Books page if you’re not into the whole “paper book” thing. I’m clearly not in this for the money.

And remember- Jesus Loves You!