About ABoO

What is the Creed of A Bit of Orange?
A very valid question which deserves a friendly answer. We agree with the Apostle’s Creed.

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried.
On the third day He rose again from the dead.

He ascended into heaven
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
From thence He will come to judge
the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Christian Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.


And we identify as a Young Earth Creationist (YEC) on grounds both scientific and scriptural. While we considers the issues contained therein to be very important, we readily admit that the issues are not determining factors in one’s personal salvation. We are saved through Jesus Christ, not through accurate knowledge of science.

What’s with the name?
The phrase “A Bit of Orange” originates in the writings of C.S. Lewis (See below). In this opening section of Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis is arguing for the universal knowledge that objective morality is real, thereby make a case for the fact that we all know God is real. To prove that we all know this, he doesn’t dig through history into the philosophers of the past, nor scale the ivory towers of academia to quote the scholars of his own day. He shows us  some ordinary people talking about something as ordinary as a bit of orange, and from there be builds his case.

This is the philosophy of A Bit of Orange: The average person doesn’t need a PhD in biochemistry, genetics, or Quantum Mechanics in order to understand why they can trust the Bible. If you can understand a rubber duck, or a toaster, or a bit of orange, you can be very confident that the Word of God is true, the Gospel is certain, and Jesus is Lord. We thank God for the men and women who do search the deep history of the church or scale the towers of academia in order to defend the Bible, but we find that most people, at least at the very start, just need a bit of orange.

The following is from Mere Christianity, By C.S. Lewis

The Law of Human Nature

EVERY ONE HAS HEARD people quarreling. Sometimes it sounds funny and sometimes it sounds merely unpleasant; but however it sounds, I believe we can learn something very important from listening to the kinds of things they say. They say things like this: “How’d you like it if anyone did the same to you?”–‘That’s my seat, I was there first”–“Leave him alone, he isn’t doing you any harm”–“Why should you shove in first?”–“Give me a bit of your orange, I gave you a bit of mine”–“Come on, you promised.” People say things like that every day, educated people as well as uneducated, and children as well as grown-ups.

Now what interests me about all these remarks is that the man who makes them is not merely saying that the other man’s behavior does not happen to please him. He is appealing to some kind of standard of behavior which he expects the other man to know about…

Contact me at CreationSoapbox@gmail.com